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普渡大學一日遊 Explore Purdue in a day

要探索中西部的核心,就來印第安納州西拉法葉市的普渡大學吧!參觀世界一流的學術、頂尖的研究和充滿活力的校園生活。不要錯過普渡紀念館、尼爾·阿姆斯壯工程學院、勒布噴泉、普渡大學機場和羅斯-阿德體育場。 Discover the heart of the Midwest at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. Explore world-class academics, cutting-edge research, and vibrant campus life. Don't miss the Purdue Memorial Union, Neil Armstrong Hall, Loeb Fountain, Purdue Airport, and Ross-Ade Stadium.

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